It was about change and trying to do something different. Each of the three tracks i hope, let you know what i’m about and what you guys have to come from me.
You seem to have extensive experience in the studio, what made you decide it was time for your own venture? It seems like a lot of behind the scenes guys are now stepping out into the open once more (Mr Marc Kinchen to name one!).
I just felt it was time to get out there and play my music live. I’ve been working in the studio for years but feel that the time was right with my new sound i have developed to start releasing this “Weiss” music. Before i’d been producing and djing under a different name but this music i’m making now is really and truly me. After all the years of changing and making different types of music i’ve finally found what i’m about and i’ve incorporated all of those things i’ve learnt into a type of sound.
The Weiss sound seems so on point right now. Is this a project you had brewing for a long time or was it something you just stumbled upon at the right time?
Apparently they’re caling it G House. I’m guessing that stands for Ghetto house but that suits what i’m doing really. I’ve been working on this project for about a year and a half and felt the time was right. I’ve always been about the underground from a young age okay, some commercial tracks would pop out at me and i’d think there really cool but it’s always been about the chunky underground scene from the hardhouse days to Subliminal records(Constipated Monkey & Richard F) and the way they’d make that disco sound tuff. I’m a very sampled based producer and like to mess around samples totally changing the sound and i think this new sound helps me do that. It’s all about the chunky pureness of the track. Plod it along with a sexy dirty chunky groove.
How important has the support of Toolroom been over the last few months? You’ve been popping up regularly on their lineups.
It’s been really important and they are like a family to me. They’ve always looked after me and we’re working very closely together with this Weiss project. All steps we take have to carefully planned and there’s no messing up and this is where the help of Toolroom come in. They have and still are a very successful label and it’s an absolute pleasure to work with them.
Any particular gigs which stand out over the last few months? What can people expect from a Weiss dj set?
I recently played at ADE this year and that was really good. I also played at Bullitt in Germany and that was just an amazing night. It’s a straight up square room with a massive sound system which holds no ore than 400 people but every one in that room was up for it and really into there underground music.
We saw you’re working on a track with Bontan (another fresh face Toolroom are supporting) have you any further collaborations in the pipeline?
Yes we’ve done the first track together which we’ve had other labels fighting iver but this November we’re getting the second track done to go out as an 2 track ep. That should be coming out early next year. He’s a great guy to work with and above all it’s a real laugh so it makes it easier to work together and the idea’s just flow when we get in the studio together.
Finally, what does the next few months hold for you? Can you see an Irish appearance on the cards?
I would love to come to Ireland as Bontan said “They really know how to rock over there” so that would be cool. As i said i’m working with Bontan, just finished a Pleasurekraft remix for March next year. Green Velvet approached me last week and wants me to remix his “Robots” track. I’m working on a Todd Terry track right now. As for gigs, I’m at Ministry Of Sound on Boxing Day plus gigs in Germany, Austria, Source Bar and a Australian tour is in the pipeline.
Weiss City Vol. II out now: