Following on from an in-depth chat with Oliver Huntemann two weeks ago, ‘WWD Features :’ delves further into the rising imprint of the veteran techno producer. Senso Sounds is a label set for big things in 2015. The recent expansion of the imprint, who’s members include prosperous talents like Andreas Henneberg, Matt Sassari and Florian Gasperini, along with a renewed focus by the label head means that the family is rightly primed to make 2015 their own.
Today, we take the time to formalise the introduction. We’re delighted to welcome two artists who’ve been shining brightly in recent months, the multitalented André Winter and artist on the rise BE//LA. Winter has treated us to an intricate 60 minutes of Senso Sounds and more while BE//LA lets us in on his vibe, his top five and the magic behind the label. Check it!
WWD : First of all, could you please explain to us the background on the nickname?
BE//LA : Haha this is quite simple. It means “Being Late”. When I thought about my pseudonym back then, this was the first one which came into my mind because it lighst up the (less advantageous) fact that I’m often too late. But anyway… BE//LA sounds better than “Being Late“ so i decided to go with the bit more cryptic version.
WWD : How would you define yourself? (as an artist and person…)
BE//LA : I Am a God.
WWD : You’re a quite young artist, a “newcomer”, what are the main reasons
everyone should have an eye on your career as a DJ / Producer
BE//LA : I always try to create new things, explore new land and regulary reinvent myself. To keep the inspiration-flow going on and on. Many people say they do but they don’t. I do. So be prepared…
WWD : You were born in Hamburg right? How is the health of the current electronic music scene in the city?
BE//LA : Right now, there is of course a existing scene here but for me it feels like that the ‘heat“ has got lost a bit. Some people do good work but there is a kind of an “overall anxiousness” against new ideas.

WWD : “Leave”, your orginal track on Oliver Huntemann’s PLAY!05… One day did Oliver contact you and say “i want this track for me” or… How did it all come about?
BE//LA : Firstly, i got into contact with Oliver through my manager. I felt quite happy when i heard that he wants to place it on his PLAY!05 Compilation. That was the beginning of my relation to him and the Senso Sounds Crew.
WWD : Are you preparing any EPs or some new stuff for Senso Sounds?
BE//LA : Yeah definitely. But it is a bit difficult at the moment. I have so much finished stuff on my hard-drive from the last years til now. It really needs to be selected. Although, it is clearly my personal goal to put out something like a LP or Album this year.
WWD : I’ve seen you are often playing at the label showcases… What are these parties like?
BE//LA : High Energy with an even more energized Oliver Huntemann on set.
WWD : And what else could you tell us about Senso family?
BE//LA : No one is using deodorant (I hope so). And everybody check out André Winter.
Smashing guy.
WWD : I know you have an innate capacity to mix very different electronic dance music styles… what are your favorites sounds at this moment and why?
BE//LA : I found out that I always like tracks with melody’s playing not more than 3 or 4 notes in a certain sequence. But i also feel comfortable with the truly complex basslines of DJ Mustard.
WWD : our Top5 tracks at this very moment?
BE//LA :
1. Daniel Avery – New Energy (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
2. Society of Silence – Baghdad
3. Jessy Lanza – Kathy Lee
4. Rae Sremmurd – No Type
5. Ratatat – Wildcat
WWD : I read in an interview that you would like to collaborate with Katy Perry. Why is that?
BE//LA : She is a great artist.. You clearly see that she knows how to achieve big things. And her music is awesome even it is made for mass. I would love to work with a so focused elegancy.
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