Omena is the love child of Local House recordings big cheese Tobias ‘Tooli’ Lidstrom. For the past 9 releases they have cut firm against the grain of mediocrity in dance music and have continued to dance to the beat of their own drums. Release number ten is no different and it comes in the for of a beautiful 5 track ep or even mini album from ishi vu. Green is the color of love is William Cohen aka ishi vu’s second release. But his productions show maturity beyond his years and a wealth of experience that give his work a definitive uniqueness.
The title track, Green is the color of love, is beautifully layered and complex. With samples of African vocals cast in like brush strokes on a renaissance masters fresco. This gives you the same good feeling that a HNNY record gives off. Good vibes and positive energy is just omitted from every single note. This record has been a secret weapon in the record bag of both HNNY and Tooli over the past few months.
The follow up (“Plant Your Feet”) is more up beat and dance floor orientated. While it maintains the subtle but brilliant layering techniques of the opener, it grows and develops to bring the record more and more to life. Immediately more a party theme in this track that just makes you want to get up and shake those hips.
Third up in line is “Uhh..Your heart is melting”, this joins back with the Africano theme laid down by the title track. Sampling of incomprehensible chanting and running river sounds only add to the beautiful illusion created by listening to this record. This one maintains the dance floor pace thrown down by “Plant your feet”
The B side starts on a slower speed than where we were left off on the A side. Just as melodically fantastic as what has come before it on the record. Consistent quality whilst maintaining variety is rampant throughout this 5 track whirlwind. Soft horns and tantalising synth keys lure the listener in. Set finisher? Set starter? Who cares! This is fantastic.
“Tema Per Malva” is last but by no means least on this very strong record. It starts by jolting you out of your hypnotic state with an electronic slap to the face. Once again this track comes at a different angle with an almost Arab undertone Which is then joined by a bouquet of effects and sounds that guide you carefully to the end of what has been a magnificent audio adventure.
Separately, all of these tracks are quality and a joy to listen to. But together, Magic.
Track list:
A1. Green is the color of love
A2. Plant your feet
A3. Uhh.. Your heart is melting
B1. Bipolar Nature
B2. Tema per malva