Most of us are really familiar with Voytek’s crew and label My Favorite Robot, but we’re seeing more and more the man himself at Montreal events. This Saturday, Voytek & his good friends from Flowers and Sea Creatures will be Strange Town’s first weekly guests at his new Residency Parties Unity Room#2 taking place in Montreal’s Unity nightclub.
As a preview to this highly anticipated party, Voytek kindly took the time to answer a few questions about his past and future projects.

WWD: Hey Voytek, thanks for joining us! What’s new with you? What does your to-do list look like this week?
Fall is here which is the time that I tend to do the most writing so when not touring I’m mostly writing new MFR stuff and finishing a couple MFR EP’s that are due. Summer was very busy for the Robots so we’re all knee deep in projects that need to wrap up before we head out again.
WWD: Talk to us about the label! Where does the focus lie right now?
The label is going strong as always. We just released one of our core artist’s album which is doing fantastic everywhere. Jori Hulkkonen has done some great work for us in the past and his new album ” Oh But I Am ” is definitely no exception. There’s some remix packages of his album coming soon which are all bombs so we’re very excited for those. Also just released is Fairmont’s new EP called ” Close Your Mind ” which is nothing short of amazing and coming soon is a new Eric Volta which is gonna blow some minds. Stay tuned!
WWD: My Favorite Robot had a pretty busy Halloween weekend, there was the parties in Brooklyn, Costa Rica and Zurich. Is it a time of year you enjoy?
Yeah I really like playing Halloween as the holiday really creates a great mood and atmosphere for a party. Weird people just get a little weirder and the parties are just a little bit crazier which makes for some great memories if you manage to remember them.
WWD: You were representing MFR in NYC for Halloween, What was your personal Halloween experience like?
Yeah I played for the Sheik ‘N’ Beik guys in NYC for Halloween and it was a great party. Early morning after party start which really brings out the hardcore kids who especially in NY have been out for god knows how long so it’s really fun to play to that hardcore group who are still alive at that point haha. Was definitely a fun one.
WWD: We’re seeing you behind the decks as Voytek at many Montreal events, how do you decide whether to go as MFR or as Voytek?
I play as Voytek only locally as those are not official MFR gigs. When I’m home for a week or two I always try to play some local gigs as the Montreal crowds are some of the best in the world so it’s always fun to play at home no matter what name I play under. Soon I will announce a new project I’m doing so a new name will also start floating around here and there 😉
WWD: How does the set and style differ in your eyes?
When I play as Voytek it’s not tremendously different than when I play under the MFR name. For one I’m playing solo so it makes for a different mood as when I’m playing with James Teej or Jared Simms, my robot partners. When I play alone I tend to go places musically that I maybe wouldn’t as MFR, maybe get a little weirder and experimental but mostly it’s similar as my taste doesn’t change with the name.
WWD: You will be mixing alongside Flowers and Sea Creatures and Strange Town for the new Strange Town residency at Club Unity in Montreal, what should we expect from this party?
I’m looking forward to Saturday as it’s with my good friends Strange Town and FASC. Really like both acts and we’re good buddies so there should be a really nice mood and the music should be top notch. Always fun to launch a new weekly in our awesome city!
WWD: What are the other big dates on the horizon for you?
Lots of fun gigs are coming up for the Robots. I’m very excited to play for Electric Dodo for their launch in London on the 14th. It happens to be my birthday so this will be a special one for me. Those guys throw great events in Mauritius and it’s great to be a part of their UK launch. Some cool gigs coming up to wrap 2015 in Paris at REX and in Dubai as well so should be a fun end of year and our BPM label showcase in January is going to turn some heads for sure when we announce. Wink wink.
For more info on the party/The Facebook event, click here!