The next instalment is here! WWD 049 is brought to you courtesy of Oliver Deutschmann.
With releases on the likes of Soma and Mobilee, he recently released his huge Flangers EP on Caduceus Records. Following that, Oliver stopped by for a chat with WWD a rinsed a banging hour long mix for us.
Find out who Oliver’s favourite techno producer is at the moment and much, much more in that candid interview below and bring the sounds of Berghain to your bedroom by clicking play below. Enjoy!
WWD : It’s not too far away now. What’s one thing you’d like for Christmas?
Oliver : Spending time with my family, eat well and sleep a lot. That’s all. The best present is having time to chill with my loved ones.
What have been your highlights of 2015?
Definitely my last 10hours closing set at Berghain, playing the first time in Africa (Kenya) for the Temple Nairobi crew and I’m kinda proud of my Ep for Mobilee. Another highlight for me was the opportunity to remix a track of Justin Robertsons album which he released on Skint Records. My two versions will come out end of January 2016.
Of course you’re going to get great vibes at places like Berghain, but has any club surprised you with a really good atmosphere this year?
Sure, there are a lot of great places and promoters around the world that create good vibes and amazing atmospheres. The m-division crew from Russia invited me for a Halloween gig in St. Petersburg and it was absolutely incredible, settled in an old ballet theatre in middle of town. Fully packed and a great vibe.
Bootleg in Tel Aviv, Le Golfe Plage near Marseille and Odonien in Cologne were some other great highlights this year.
You recently released the Flangers EP on Caduceus Records. How did your relationship with the Caduceus crew come about?
I did a remix for Sierra Sams Caduceus EP a few years ago. The guys really liked it and asked me for an EP. Now I released two EPs and the third one I am currently working on.
We loved the original so much we premiered it. Cracking track. But we loved the remixes too. If you could have one person remix a track for you in 2016, who would it be and why?
Thank you! Definitely Robert Hood. He is simply the best Techno producer in my opinion. Always on point, amazing groove and soul. And his stuff sounds incredible.
From an Inverted Audio interview you did at the beginning of 2015, you mentioned there was an album on the way. How’s that progressing?
I thought it would be already finished by end of this year. But it’s not that easy as I thought. Think the older I get the more picky I am when it comes to my music. I have to be a hundred percent satisfied with it. So I won’t release this album before I am. Maybe it takes me another year to finish it or maybe just 2 months. Let’s see.
What’s your favourite piece of production equipment at the moment?
The Moog Filter on the UAD card. I really love filters, especially this one.
Will you have any new music out before the end of the year?
Yes, there will be one track on the first release of Monasterio Records from Moscow.
One goal you have for 2016?
More running and I wanna finish my second album!!!
Whats the one thing you have coming up that you’re most excited for?
My little South East Asia tour in march 2016. I will play for the first time in Vietnam. I wanted to go there since a long time as I travelled a lot in that area a few years back.
Now I even get paid to go! ☺
Finally, one thing you do to relax and get away from the hectic lifestyle you lead as a touring DJ we might not know about?
Going running, going to Sauna, listening to music from the 70ies. These things relax me the most.
Thank you!
Follow Oliver Deutschmann : Facebook // Soundcloud