The second album of Jakob Häglsperger a.k.a. Kalipo is all set to be released. The eight productions on the LP feature unique, fresh and beautiful sounds in the deep house domain.
As stated in the official press release – and that’s why many city names appears in titles – the album has been composed mostly on tour or over extended periods of travelling, and this element is translated into a sense of freedom that shines through while the album plays.
Apart the fact that the quality level of all the productions maintain always a high level, “Wanderer LP” can be ideologically splitted into two parts: the first four tracks are more contemporary while the others are dedicated to experimentations.
“Wanderer LP” will be published in January 22nd 2015.
01. Donau Sunrise
02. Crossing Wisła
03. Banana Garden
04. Lost in Vienna
05. Memories of Praha
06. Institute of Cottonwool
07. Guten Morgen Lärz
08. Berliner Gambit
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