The Residents Series is back! This month, we continue our tour of the globe in search of those killer insights and valued opinions from the world’s best. Talking the role of the resident, the skills one must possess and his own personal experience, we’re joined by Barcelona-based Frenchman Idriss D – the respected spinner and bossman behind renowned imprint Memento Records.
In addition to rinsing an exclusive sixty minute set, the Memento head honcho fielded a variety of questions, dispensing his thoughts on the art of the warm up, the spirit of the underground and the new party series, which his label has recently launched.
WWD: Thanks for taking the time to chat Idriss! Where are you right now and what’s your schedule been like
this week?
Still touring…. This is the last month of my Amalgamation tour. The 25th will be the last date during Fashion Week at Wall Club in Milano.
WWD: One thing we don’t know about Idriss D?
I’m addicted to CAMERA CAFE. It is a sitcom on TV. I have all the episodes on my computer and watch them on loop when I’m flying. A lot of people think it is stupid…. I love it 🙂
WWD: We’re delighted to have you featuring in our residents series. Looking back on your career, can you tell us about your very first residency and how you got it?
My first two SOLID residencies were at these two famous clubs: The first one, Maffia Club. The promoter was called Stefano Borelli. He is a close friend but I never asked him to play…. Never…. Until one day I got a call asking me if I was free the day after. Of course I was! He just said: “Bring your best records. The new flyer will be online today”. It was just HUGE FOR ME. The second one, Echoes Club in Riccione. It was so unbelievable…. The boss of an artwork company called Elia asked me for a cd to listen to in his car and one day he gave a copy to one of the promoters of Echoes, Danilo Ambient. He sent me an email after a few days asking me to go and play. Just talking about this right now makes me so thankful toward whoever believed in me at the beginning.
WWD: Talk us through the concept behind the Memento party series
in Barcelona!
Macarena Club owners Gustavo and Ivan asked me to make myown night, which was a big honor for me, the club is amazing. The right size (140 people) for me is perfect. Small club, good sound system. It’s a way to stay away from the big stages and top billing for one weekly night. Our Memento XS at Macarena is just a top music selection time.
WWD: Why is it important to keep the true underground party spirit alive?
Otherwise it would go away very soon. I’m a small fish in the ocean. Of course to keep our scene alive the biggest acts in the world should stay true to what they say, big things like:
“Underground music is where I come from, respect needs to be given”. It is completely understandable to support the big mainstream names, but also keeping the balance with the small clubs that can’t pay big amounts of money deserves support. Especially the clubs that helped most of the biggest acts backin the days. Otherwise the EDM/McDonald’s products will just smash us.
WWD: For those who have never been. Can you describe the
Macarena Club for us?
It’s a small cube-like club of 140 people. Two bouncers, one inside and one outside. Double door isolation (because it’s in the center of Barcelona), Funktion-One sound system, And plenty
of parties. There’s a very close contact between the artist and the crowd.
WWD: In your view, what are the key ingredients for the ideal warm-up?
I did 10 years of warm ups, I think a big warm up experience is the secret to being a good DJ. It is important to know all the records you want to play and to choose the right moment,
giving a deep vibe without being boring, to catch the attention of the crowd. Building a wave, it is like telling a story. You need to surprise the crowd without going too far. Respecting the artists who’s on after you. He or she is the main act and you need to let him/her enjoy the peak time. This is missing in the new generations. There is no respect. Kids want to grow so fast. Banging since minute 1 and looking to get all the hands up in the air, sadly.
WWD: Who are the best opening DJs you’ve ever seen?
Francesco Bergomi is so special, deep, dark and dynamic at the right moment. Sayan Sobuth from Bellevue Club in Zürich is massive.
WWD: Is there a guideline for residents at Memento parties or do you
tend to give them free rein?
Usually who plays for our parties is well selected. Then we don’t need to give any advice.
WWD: What would be your go-to track to fill a dance-floor right
Right now it’s not so hard. If you have your followers (even 50 loyal lovers in the club) this makes the mission easier. I think just playing good music and respecting who bought a ticket is the right way to go.
WWD: How do you plan to develop Memento Records and the parties
over the coming years?
The new concept is Memento X (TEN), our 10th year anniversary. Right now I’m working really hard to make Memento a solid platform that is why I’m taking 5 weeks off just to focus on the label, working in the office, and the main goal will be to finish writing the Memento X (ten years) schedule, plan the marketing strategy, listening to all the demos we got and couldn’t check in the last 4 months because of my album tour, and deliver at the end a good product I hope, in order to have again the support of our fans.
WWD: What else have you in store for the rest of 2016?
Db Artists Ug based in Berlin is our main platform and the agency that manages the label and the bookings. Label-wise, we have many releases coming up: Mirko Loko
just came out, Francesco Bergomi, Eduardo De La Calle, Orbe, The Analogue Cops (album). Agency-wise: our team is growing. This is a big responsibility for all of us. There is no boss. There is just one guru and that’s me:) The rest of the team is my business partner Jasmin, Marta our Logistic Manager, Fares Ben in the booking department and Alex Ferrazzi who is taking care of the label
and some logistic matters.. Every department is independent. Thank God I have an amazing team, ready to support me and always pushing me. Our roster is growing too so we’re not in a rush to sign any new artists unless we’re sure we can deliver what we promised. We’re gonna have I think 5 parties during Sonar’s Off Week in Barcelona with our different brands and showcases. This year I’ll skip Ibiza.. After 7 years I think it’s time to focus on the label and on the booking agency with my team, the
purpose of this step is to build something solid for my team and then to jump onto next year with our own product and also to be focused 100% on the company.
Follow: Idriss D