The techno from Daniel Selfmade takes him on numerous tours across the globe. His productions on Deeperfect, Beat it Music and Tres 14 caught the attention of guys like Richie Hawtin and Marco Carola. As his “Actually No EP” comes out on Goldentears records, we sat down with him for a flash “Best & Worst Interview”.
WWD: What’s the best song you ever heard in a club?
There are many but one of the tracks that recently impacted me is Tale Of Us – Another Earth, I heard it in Rehingold – Germany
WWD: What’s the best ever Tech-house track you’ve heard?
It is very hard to define which one is the best because there are many quality tracks but maybe one that I played the most was, Traumer – Cyclo
WWD: What’s Best ever gig played at a club?
Without doubt I would say Deephase showcase in Athens – Greece, it’s a fabulous club with an amazing crowd and a very good sound system.
WWD: Best Label you would love to release music on?
There are many, for the people that has been following me for a while, know that I don’t stick in the same type of sounds, I love to create new things and try new styles such as minimal tech, tech house or techno, one of the main labels I would like to sign on could be m-mus, scitec, diynamic between others.
WWD: Best inspiration in your life?
Day to day it might sound strange, but my biggest inspiration comes from the situations that I go through, there are days I could be sad and the production will be darker or days that I wake up happy and the kind of production is more emotional.
WWD: Worse genre of electronic music?
In general I like many genres of music and I respect them all but I would stay away from some in particular…
WWD: Worse artist in the history of music?
This I will keep it for myself
WWD: Worse food eaten before a show?
I have a little tradition, I eat sushi before a show. One day I ate a huge pork chop and it was not the best.
Words by Rico – Rico is a Tour Guide, a Tri-Athlete and a go-go Dancer. Originally from Paris, he is part of a music duo named Wolf Story.