With a forthcoming event in Berlin that promises to be another unforgettable one, happening June the 26th, All Day I Dream paves the way with another dreamy EP that really sets their mood for the European summer. Tunes come from New York though, from a rising talent that couldn’t have a better way to come aboard. We are talking Lauren Ritter’s beautiful “Lark EP”.
A well-defined musical concept, magisterially translated in their releases and magnificent day parties. That’s what All Day I Dream is all about and in the end of June, they welcome summer in Berlin with a full day of music at open air club Else. Label’s main man Lee Burridge is joined by his favorite studio guru, Mathew Dekay and other names from label’s family, such as the talented Oona Dahl, Russian duo Gorje Hewek & Izhevski and Berlin-based artist Daniel George. Tickets available on RA.
There couldn’t be a better way to warm up for it, than having this outstanding EP released and When We Dip had the authoress speak about it herself, as well as share some of her childhood memories, musical influences and future plans.
Welcome Lauren Ritter.
WWD: Please, say something about this beautiful studio work… How are you feeling about it?
Lauren: I feel so grateful and thrilled that these tracks and being brought out into the world. It’s my first solo EP, with the first track I ever finished (“Form Constant”) as well as my most recent (“Swoon”), so it feels like a full encapsulation how my musical taste and production style has progressed over the years. I couldn’t be happier that All Day I Dream is its home.
WWD: Can you tell us a little about each track? What were you feeling, your motivation, your inspiration for each one of them…
Lauren: Most of the melodic ideas I turn into tracks often lean towards the gentler side of things, so for “Lark” I was aiming to make something different – more of a “club” record. I drew inspiration from late 90s / early 2000s progressive house – I was obsessed with G-Pal’s “Life” at the time and “Lark” is my attempt to recreate that feeling.
The main piano line for “Swoon” was something I heard in a dream years ago and never knew what to do with. I had various counter parts I had recorded on my DX7 but somehow it wasn’t jelling. Then this winter while I was in Berlin a friend of mine asked if I had unreleased material for their Essential mix and I knew I had to bring this idea completion. I arranged and mixed it in less than 5 hours and spent a dark night wondering around Friedrichshain listening to it in headphones. To me “Swoon” encapsulates all the nostalgia and wanderlust I was feeling at the time.
I believe that “Murmur” is the most accurate depiction of my sound, and it’s the first track that I ever finished that I truly loved. It’s a track that I made one morning when the sun was just starting to rise in Brooklyn (similar to when I wrote “Glass Hours”, another track on ADID) and always reminds me of that magic hour.
“Form Constant” was the first track I ever finished. At the time Lee’s All Day I Dream of Her mix was first circulating, and the track selection and mood moved me so deeply. I wanted nothing more than to make music with that richness and emotional depth, and “Form Constant” was my first foray into the deep.

WWD: Is there a special place you like to go when looking for inspiration? Does it come from your dreams?
Lauren: I do often hear music in my dreams. I was a classical musician growing up, so music and performance are something deeply ingrained in me. I almost always have lucid dreams, so there’s times I’ve composed whole tracks while in the ethers… The problem is it’s almost impossible for me to sketch them out when I wake up before it slips out of memory! Most inspiration during my waking hours comes from walking around the city late at night or early in the morning, anytime when I have mental and physical space for solitary contemplation.
WWD: Have you grown up in New York? What are your first musical memories, what have you grown up listening to?
Lauren: I grew up in New Jersey, an hour or two outside of New York. My parents were true music lovers – my dad has a vinyl collection a few thousand deep and they both encouraged me to play as many instruments as I could take up – viola ended up fully capturing my heart though. Through my parents I listened to everything from classic, psych rock, blues, folk, jazz, experimental electronic like musique concrete and everything in between. Dance music was my own personal discovery when I was a bit older, around 10. I’ve never looked back since.
WWD: And which artists would you say have influenced your style the most?
Lauren:. It’s hard to objectively say what has influenced me the most over the years (maybe someone like Aphex twin? or my classical roots as a violist?), but for my current influences, I’m really loving labels like Lobster Theremin, 1080p, Scissor and Thread, and guys like Lone and Gnork. I’m also inspired by some older US labels like Guidance, Lo Rise, Plastic City, Driftwood, and Remote.
WWD: Your music fit so well… How did ‘All Day I Dream’ get into your life and you to theirs?
Lauren: I knew Matt Dekay from when he first lived in New York and met Lee through him. I always sent Matt music that I was working on, but it wasn’t quite ready yet. When I finished “Lark”, Lee approached me about signing to the label. I was thrilled, to say the least!
WWD: Can you tell us a bit more about ‘All Day I Dream’s’ style, philosophy and your relationship with it?
Lauren: To me, ADID has always evoked a sense of nostalgia, love, sincerity and that’s what I’ve aimed for with these four tracks here.
WWD: When you’re not producing, performing or busy with music stuff, what do you like to do?
Lauren: When I’m fully immersed in the technosphere, I spend as much time with friends and family as I can, and trying to hit the gym as often as possible, but that sometimes gets derailed by traveling (and all the good food there is in Brooklyn!). My mom was a fashion/costume designer, and that’s definitely rubbed off on me, so I also love a good crafting night with friends, sewing and covering things with glitter and rhinestones.
WWD: What have you got on the horizon? What are your next plans?
Lauren: My next plans are to finish another collection of tracks I’ve been working on, and to try to more fully integrate my classical upbringing into my music. I have some gigs coming up like Woogie Weekend, Electric Zoo, and All Day I Dream in Beirut this Sept that I’m really excited for. Other than that, enjoying what I hope will be beautiful summer in Brooklyn!
Born on a rooftop in Brooklyn in 2011, All Day I Dream quickly gained popularity in New York. From that moment on started spreading to all corners of the World. From Barcelona to Beirut. London to Los Angeles. Sydney to San Francisco. All Day I Dream has continuously built a loyal following of devoted music loving fans.
Following on from last year’s succesful Berlin debut, All Day I Dream is back with a full day of music at open air club Else. Welcoming summer in Berlin, starry eyed escapists are awoken from their slumber into a Midsummer´s night dream.
Lee Burridge will be joined by his favourite studio guru, Matthew Dekay, and also by some of All Day I Dream´s favourite friends, such as the talented Oona Dahl, Russian duo Gorje Hewek & Izhevski and Berlin-based artist Daniel George.
On Sunday, June 26th we invite you for afternoon of hypnotic beautiful melodies and baselines that sooth and seduce. Emotive strings and atmospheric soundscapes engage the listener into a journey, lost in time, eyes closed.

Sunday, June 26th 2016
An den Treptowers 10
12435 Berlin
Tickets available exclusively on RA
Lee Burridge
Matthew Dekay
Oona Dahl
Gorje Hewek & Izhevski
Words by Gabriel Gonzalez