Spanish artist Marat Mode returns with a new melodic production Like We Do. It’s a collaboration with Swedish songwriter The Land Below and is released on House Music With Love. Remixes by Th Moy and Urmet K to follow later in autumn. We caught up with Marat Mode to talk about his production set-up, vocal collaborations and the eletronic scene in Valencia where he is based.
When did you start producing/playing music for the first time?
My first gig was on a terrace of a restaurant near to the village of Rafelbunyol. After this first gig I played in some cools clubs in Valencia La3, Jerusalem Club or Parties like Touche , Ocio. At my 19 I started with my close friend Mar an audiovisual project called “ Cinepoeme” and we played in some interesting places like the first audiovisual festival in Valencia called “ Volumens”.
I started with music production at 17 . My first DAW was Magix Music Maker I found the CD in my house I installed in a computer. At my 18 I did a course of Ableton Live in Red Home Studios in Valencia. I spent too much time in front of Ableton, doing demos and demos.
After some years of doing demos and demos, and learnt about music theory I developed some skills but right now I’m in a constantly developing my skills trying to sound better and different .
What does your studio set-up look like?
I don’t have too many things in my Studio. I have a Mac Mini , a motu audio express Soundcard a Twoo monitors Alesis, a midi Keyboard And The Maschine from Native Instruments.
I make music only with my computer. I don’t have analog synthethizers. Right Now I’m really interested in working really quickly. Virtual environment is more accessible and I create mix with Ableton . I’m a big fan of the virtual synth Diva from U-he and The Omnisphere.
Which vocalist would be a dream to work with?
Sade , Dave Hagan from Depeche Mode ,Lucía scansetti, Rush Smith, Rush Midnight.
Tell us about the electronic music scene in Valencia? What artists are interesting?
Valencia have a cool music scene, you have some options. Gordo Club in Latex it’s a good option. Also Oven Club for underground sounds. And Cool party called Fayer runned by Edu Imbernon.
I think Edu Imbernon it’s really interesting artist for me, talented producer and good dj. I followed his work and he made really cool track’s and remixes. AFFKT it’s another cool artist, a good producer and he runs a cool label called Sincopat. Nacho Marco it’s a really talented producer he makes a really.
One place in the world that you would really love to visit?
It’s a difficult question but I’m would say Berlín.